Social Groups
Expand your child’s world! AABB is proud to provide trained support staff to keep your special needs child safe and regulated as they learn and socialize doing the things they love!
We would love to have your child come and see just how much fun they can have! We have qualified experts to guide everyone through fun and learning. Our current social groups include Rhythm Buddies and Equine Buddies. COMING SOON: Skater Buddies!
Rythym Buddies!
AGES: 12-15
AABB is excited to announce a new social learning group for special needs students between 12 to 15 years old.
Come learn and explore all sorts of rhythm, singing and movement. Give your children a powerful tool that can build their communications, motor, and social skills. Music training provides an effective way to understand themselves, other people, and the world around them.
COST: $200 for 4 sessions a month, plus a one-time $30 registration fee.
SCHEDULE: New intakes are available starting January 11, February 8, March 7 2020
LOCATION: Esquimalt Area (address to be confirmed upon registration)
***Please note if registering more than one child we require separate payment and intake forms for each.
Registration for Rhythm Buddies!
Equine Buddies
AGES: 7-9, 10-12, 13-15
Why equine therapy? From CBC:
“Unlike smaller therapy animals like dogs and cats, these gentle giants have a calming effect that’s magnified by their size and empathy. Horses are herd animals known for attuning themselves to human emotion, often reflecting the behaviours of those around them. For people building confidence, learning to lead around animals that loom over them can help improve self-esteem, encourage taking control, and addresses fears they feel are bigger than them”.
SCHEDULE: You choose Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, 3:30pm to 5:30pm on your chosen day. NEXT INTAKE START DATES: February 5th, 6th, or 7th, 2020.
ACTIVITY: While at the farm, your child will be taught essential safety, learn how to connect with horses, get a chance to groom, give horses a treat, and more! Once safety, trust and consistency have been established, and the child is enthusiastic, we can work toward riding too!
LOCATION: Meadowbrook Farm (address to be confirmed upon registration)
Cost: $200 for 4 sessions a month, plus a one-time $30 registration fee.
***Please note if registering more than one child we require separate payment and intake forms for each.
Registration for Equine Buddies
In order to keep your child safe, the first day of your group we will require a list of authorized individuals who are allowed to pick up your child. We will also require that you sign in/out with our camp host. Pick-up/drop-off will depend on the activity that day but will be specified at the bottom of each weekly schedule.
Please make sure that your child arrives to the group with activity-appropriate clothing i.e., swimming, hiking. Our groups will run in all weather conditions so make sure sunscreen, rain jackets etc., are on the packing list.
Children will also require a lunch and/or snacks depending on the time of the group and plenty of water. We will not be able to accommodate buying a lunch/snack during the day.
While some groups inhibit toys and certain electronics, we want to make sure they are comfortable. The goal is to help your child socialize but we never want them to be without reassurance. If your child requires a toy/electronic please inform the staff so we can work with these items.
If your child requires any further care like the administration of medication or they have any other specific needs, please note this in the intake form as well as with our group host on the first day.
Cancellation Policy
We do understand that life can sometimes take its toll. Please understand that the registration fee is 100% non-refundable. If you realize within 48 hours of your purchase, we will gladly refund the course fee. After 48 hours, 50% of the course fee will be refunded. No refund if cancellations happen within 2 weeks of your start date.