The Jain Capital Investment Fund LLC partnership with ParentDashboard 

The ParentDashboard Nest Egg Program proudly partners the Jain Capital Investment Fund LLC

An inspiring parent, Rita Jain is a special needs mom who works as an Engineer in the corporate communications industry, as well as the successful owner of three businesses.  Rita had a vision to alleviate the financial burden of special needs parents.  She took massive action and created an investment fund for single moms, women of america, parents of special needs kids and senior citizens to provide them ease and abundance.   

Here’s Rita being interviewed by successful entrepreneur and business woman Loren Lahav at a March 2021 Tony Robbins Event, where she talks about how she and her beautiful ASD son Ashish generated $7M on the stock market between August 2020 and that event in March 2021 (that’s $7M earned in 7 months).  Rita has since worked with financial industry partners to realize her dream to help other special needs parents.  ParentDashboard’s founders Michelle Boshard and Rene Halber first met Rita at that March event and immediately recognized that the entry investment may still pose a barrier to many special needs families.  They got in touch and regularly communicated with their fellow special needs parent Rita while she was establishing her fund, and simultaneously developed the  ParentDashboard Nest Egg™ Program to create the “on ramp” to Rita’s professionally managed fund.

How ParentDashboard helps Special Needs Parents to enter and benefit from Rita’s Investment Fund.

When you participate in the ParentDashboard Nest Egg Program, you will be pre-qualified for a spot in the Jain Captial Investment Fund LLC, which is open only to the categories of people she has specified.  A professional asset manager from Rita’s team will consult with you to review their Fund’s investment levels and strategies, so your investment fit your family’s risk preferences and financial goals. 

Be assured that if your special needs child’s care and therapy costs have prevented you saving for their future (or perhaps you were forced to leave employment to care for your special needs child and that impacted your finances), that ParentDashboard and the Jain Capital Investment Fund LLC  have your back.  Not only will we will help your family reach financial security, you’ll experience new joy and ease that your child’s future will be covered with a professionally managed fund.

And if you already have your own nest egg saved but need a place for profitable safe keeping? You can simply use the ParentDashboard Nest Egg Program partnership form below to secure a spot in the Jain Capital Investment Fund. Parenting a special needs child is stressful enough. Let us work together with you relieve your family’s financial stress.  Please complete the consult request form below to have someone contact you!

Here is how to let ParentDashboard and the Rita Jain Investment Fund help you right away: