SERVICES FOR KIDS (Greater Victoria BC Canada) - Detailed Descriptions

NO BRICK & MORTAR FACILITY - we are a mobile service

Much like a tutor, we come to you and your child to teach. In this day and age, you may be concerned about sending your child to a crowded facility, but cannot quit your work. Or perhaps due to your child's ability they cannot be left alone unattended, and you don't want just anyone entering your home. Our consistent, well trained, thoroughly background-checked workers stay within your bubble and can work at home or in community as you direct, to keep the kids safe and "edu-tained" until you're available. Our micro-classes focus on skill development.


Our booking, cancellation policies and commitment periods are far more flexible than a traditional childcare or afterschool program. Skill classes put parents back in charge of what their children are doing when they are not present. Depending on the service, you can book in as little as 48 hours in advance for a single shift, all the way through month-by-month class commitments with a schedule that meets your needs. Any services require a 2 hour minimum booking, because we respect BC Labour laws and treat or workers fairly.


Growing as a person and learning how to interact with people of different abilities than ourselves is a distinct social skill that sometimes larger childcare systems cannot teach because they don't have staff or the right environment in their facilities. We teach inclusion and tolerance, which are important to create a healthier future society for our kids. We use far higher worker-to-child ratios and provide tailored classes that teach leadership and independence skills, and encourage tolerance for respect for diversity.

Complex Needs 1:1 Respite or Afterschool Care 

Our respite provides exhausted parents worker support with Individual or sibling pair rates to reduce costs to parents for basic care, supervision and socialization.

-NO monthly commitment / service contract, 24 hour cancellation notice, bookable online

-Currently serving Greater Victoria BC geographic area.  Minimum 2 hour bookings.

-Safe, experienced workers. We serve clients in wheelchairs who need personal care, high behaviour children with ADHD or ASD, and those who simply need a little extra understanding of mental health or complex issues. 

-Payable with AFU, Supported Child Development, Credit Card and E-transfer


Private Regular Needs 1:1 Afterschool Care (Neurotypical Clients)

This 1:1 childcare is “on tap”.  It requires NO monthly commitment, can be booked day-by-day up to 48 hours before session start time.  Cost is based on session length, and worker ratio. We do require 24 hour written cancellation notice from the session start time in order to avoid being billed.

This private service is perfect for when there is only a day or two a month (or an unexpected gap in coverage) for which you may need a caregiver.  Whether during the 3-5:30 pm afterschool timeslot, respite / date night or daytime care, this is billed as a single session fee.  This service is not intended for children with complex needs who may require advanced supports and training in their worker – please see our Special Needs respite service if your child requires these supports. These sessions can be cancelled up to within 24 hours of the start time of your session (cancellations within this period will result in full billing).

Behaviour Intervention or Custom Combination Services (Complex Needs)

Behaviour Intervention (BI) is delivered by staff with either formal training, or extensive experience.  We ALWAYS defer to and respect the Parent’s direction when delivering a given professional’s recommendations.

-Interventionists undertake work with your special needs child under supervision and direction of a professional to address issues with sensory coping, behaviour management, communication or self-regulation skills. 

-Improves cost effectiveness for your limited funding budget.  We will work at your direction to implement a Behavioural, Speech or other Targeted Plans crafted by your chosen professional to stretch funding dollars.  

-If you have no professional oversight, we’ll refer you to one of our accredited partnered Professionals!

-NO monthly commitment / service contract, 24 hour cancellation notice, bookable online, minimum 2 hr bookings  



Homeschool Education Support (Neurotypical or Complex Needs)

If you homeschool, you may need support to help deliver curriculum, or undertake educational activities that support your child’s academic growth. Alternatively, your child may need specific supports (scribing, tutoring, modified or adapted curriculum delivery) to enable them to perform their school work or learn. Perhaps your child needs prompts or redirection to stay focused and on task, or reminded of how to self-regulate to retain focus on their work. Our Education Assistants (EAs) help your child navigate their academic plans and educational goals on a daily basis, and interface with you and your Certified Teacher to provide feedback on progress. If you’re with a Distance Learning (DL) school, we will direct bill to provide EA services, and if you find you need more support developing curriculum, we’ll connect you with our company’s Special Needs Curriculum Specialist to adapt a program that helps you meet your IEP goals. Let us know when you book what you need, and we’ll make it happen!  


ParentDashboard Pods ™
3: 1 Social Groups or Skill Classes

Our ParentDashboard Pods™ support up to 3 children with one skilled worker, and are specially designed to build physical, mental and social leadership skills, and focus on acceptance, trust, respect, and tolerance for social diversity as kids bond as friends and strengthen our future communities.

-Can be customized to activity of participants’ choice, or part of a regular ParentDashboard program

-Open to all (neurotypical or neurodiverse) and include children with a diverse range of physical and developmental abilities. 

-Handcrafted to ensure similar skill levels between these new friends

-Can be pre-coordinated and booked by families already known to each other.

-Reviewed for balance of participants to ensure all needs are met using the best “child to leader” ratio. 

-Children who need full 1:1 support to participate are booked through 1:1 services (with associated rates), but can attend alongside their ParentDashboard Pod™ buddies.


Parent Support, Family Planning & Case Management / Coordination

Are you in crisis?  Whether an experienced parent peer coach or case planner might help you figure out how to manage and balance complex special needs issues, or you want help with advocacy, or you need help navigating systems, or obtaining referrals – give us a call.  Life with special needs can be complicated, overwhelming and a challenge physically, mentally and financially.  We can help you develop your plan to move forward as a parent with your family, because we’ve been there.



Beginners Music Skill Development Class

Music ignites all areas of child development and skills for school readiness, including intellectual, social-emotional, motor, language, and overall literacy. It helps the body and the mind work together. Exposing children to music during early development helps them learn the sounds and meanings of words. Check out our musical offerings for all levels of ability!  We offer both 1:1 online tutoring in 30 minute increments, or 3-child in-person socially distanced classes that are a whole lot of fun and build skill, confidence and friendship.